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Meet Janice

Hi! My name is Janice Price.
Here's a little more about me.
Challenging. Exhausting. Confusing. Fulfilling. Blessed. The years fly by and all the work, the uncertainties, the daily-ness fades into the satisfaction of a job accomplished. That's what high school graduation and subsequently college graduation means to a homeschooling mom. It's what it meant to me, Janice Price - "Whew! We made it!" Now, entering into the homeschooling experience of thousands of other homeschool families - Rainbow's customers - is a dream career: the perfect complement to my own homeschooling years. Equally exhilarating is the immersion into the vast array of educational products that fills our warehouse and makes up the landscape of homeschooling in the twenty-first century - so different from when I began my homeschooling career in the mid-eighties.
The first year we were an "official" homeschool, my daughter wanted to know why she couldn't ride the school bus like her neighborhood friends. Back then very few people had heard of homeschooling but I was armed with some kindergarten workbooks and my husband, Scott, and I were determined to provide an alternative education for our children. Each of the twenty subsequent years brought different challenges. Sometimes it was trying to homeschool with a preschooler. For several years it was dealing with disruption as we moved each year for three years in a row. One year, becoming discouraged with a particular curriculum path, we switched gears into a completely different methodology. Having a struggling reader brought its own challenges for several years. Some years I worried, "Am I doing too much?" Other years I was certain we weren't covering all the bases. Before we knew it the question became, "Will we be able to 'do' high school at home?" We found it worked well, but as always, new questions emerged. "Am I providing challenging enough coursework for my college-bound students?" "How can I encourage my student to exercise the discipline he needs to complete his work well?" And, just to keep things interesting, my mother-in-law moved in with us when my kids were in their teens. Do any of these questions and situations sound familiar?
My masters in education helped appease our curious neighbors and well-meaning family members but I knew that my most important qualifications were the love I had for my children, the commitment that my husband and I had toward their education, and our conviction that every challenge could be successfully met by God's grace. There's no greater joy than knowing that your children walk with the Lord. That was always the goal of our parenting and thus of our homeschooling. My children, in their thirties, are walking with the Lord. My daughters, Rachel and Anna, are wives and homeschooling moms. My son, David, works in the quality control department of an agricultural manufacturer and is a commercial and lifestyle photographer.
As is typical for homeschooling families, we became involved with many related activities. We had a small home business for ten years that provided a training ground for our children. For six years, I coordinated the vendor hall for our local home school convention. Greatly enhancing our home education program was our participation in a history-based unit study co-op. For twelve years I served as administrator of that group which grew each year, adding new elements in order to meet the needs of our maturing homeschoolers. Today, that group continues to flourish, offering lab and study courses in the upper level sciences, three choirs, and musical theater productions.
High school graduation meant a new job description for me - educational consulting for Westbridge Academy, an umbrella school for home educated, academically advanced students. Planning curriculum paths, suggesting various products and troubleshooting particular homeschooling problems. It was an easy transition from there to Rainbow. Rainbow's catalog and convention booth had been an important part of my own homeschooling experience and I am thrilled to be part of their service to the homeschooling community. It's been both a joy and a wonderful privilege to continue my involvement with homeschooling parents. I never cease to be amazed at the determination and dedication you all possess. I'm eager to hear your stories; to learn of your successes and struggles and I'm pleased if I can help a bit by sharing my product knowledge or experience. I'm available by phone (888-841-3456), email consultants@rainbowresource.com or the live chat feature from our website. I look forward to talking to you.
Choosing Curriculum the FAMILY Way describes six key factors in choosing curriculum that meet the needs of the student, teacher, and family alike.